Science fiction podcast

A Science fiction podcast (occasionally shortened to sci-fi podcast or SF podcast) is a podcast belonging to the science fiction style, which focuses on futuristic and imaginative advances in science and technologies although discovering the affect of these imagined innovations. Figures in these stories often come across situations that contain space exploration, extraterrestrials, time journey, parallel universes, synthetic intelligence, robots, and human cloning. Irrespective of the concentration on fictional configurations and time durations, science fiction podcasts regularly comprise or reference areas, gatherings, or people from the authentic earth. The intended viewers of a science fiction podcast can vary from younger young children to older people. Science fiction podcasts designed out of radio dramas. Science fiction podcasts are a subgenre of fiction podcasts and are distinguished from fantasy podcasts and horror podcasts by the absence of magical or macabre themes, respectively, even though these subgenres on a regular basis overlap. Science fiction podcasts have generally been adapted into tv systems, graphic novels, and comics
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